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Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia – Plant


Indigenous to South Africa, organically grown, and locally sourced from ethical growers committed to sustainable, Nature-friendly cultivation.

Common names: sand olive, iron tops (English); sandolien, ysterbos, ystertoppe (Afrikaans).

Botanical name: Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia

Previously known as: Dodonaea angustifolia

Potted into 100% recycled plastic nursery pot or bag.

Out of stock

Care Summary

• Easy to grow
• Waterwise pioneer, soil stabiliser
• Soil – sandy, well-drained soil
• Light – full sun
• Water – waterwise once established
• Easy to propagate
• Seeds – propagates easily from seed, harvest in autumn and sow in spring.
Diseases & Pests

Plant Summary

Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia, also known as sand olive, is a versatile plant ideal for water-wise gardens. This evergreen shrub or small tree is drought and wind resistant, making it a low-maintenance addition to any garden. Its yellowish-green flowers and decorative clusters of fruits with papery wings make it an attractive choice for gardening. Sand olive has various traditional uses, such as treating colds, influenza, and stomach ailments. It is also effective for stabilizing sand dunes and controlling erosion.


Our range of indigenous, organically-grown plants are intended as part of an integrated approach to wellbeing. Information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition, nor replace prescribed medication. If on medication, pregnant, lactating, or undergoing surgery please consult your healthcare professional before using plants as food or medicine.