Tylecodon paniculatus

Tylecodon paniculatus
Tylecodon paniculatus

Common names: butter tree (English). 
Botanical name: Tylecodon paniculatus

Tylecodon paniculatus, commonly known as butter tree, is a succulent shrub with a thick, greenish stem and yellowish-green, papery bark. It loses its leaves and produces long, reddish-orange, tubular flowers in summer, which attract nectar-feeding birds such as sunbirds. The plant is poisonous to livestock but was traditionally used by people for sliding down smooth rock faces. It is a striking feature plant for sunny, dry courtyards and water-wise gardens. It can be grown from seed or cuttings in well-drained soil.

Uses & Benefits: medicine, pot plant

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Crassulaceae
Type: succulent, tree
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: orange, red
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: birds
Red list status:

Soil type: 
Soil pH: 

Use as Medicine


Herbal traditions: 
Plant parts used: 

First-aid use:  
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
Plant actions: 
Phytochemical constituents: 

Plant preparations: 

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