Wild Grape - Rhoicissus tomentosa
Wild Grape - Rhoicissus tomentosa

Common names: Cape grape, wild grape, bush grape, African grape, forest grape, monkey rope, wild vine (English); isaqoni, idiliya (Xhosa); isinwazi (Zulu); bosdruif, wildedruif, bostou, bobbejaantou (Afrikaans). 
Botanical name: Rhoicissus tomentosa
Previously known as: Cissus capensis, Rhoicissus capensis, Vitis capensis

Rhoicissus tomentosa, commonly known as wild grape or bush grape, is a handsome evergreen climber with vine-like leaves and purple grape-like fruits. It grows in forest and riverine habitats from the Cape Peninsula to Malawi. The fruits are edible and can be made into jam, jelly or wine. The roots are used in traditional medicine for various ailments. The plant attracts birds and mammals that feed on its fruits and leaves. It is easy to grow and can be used as a groundcover, screen, wall climber or hanging basket. It prefers semi-shade or shade and moist soil.

Uses & Benefits: food, hedge, indoor, medicine, pot plant

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Vitaceae
Type: climber
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: green, white
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees, birds, butterflies
Red list status:

Soil type: 
Soil pH: 

Use as Medicine


Herbal traditions: 
Plant parts used: 

First-aid use:  
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
Plant actions: 
Phytochemical constituents: 

Plant preparations: 

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