Rauvolfia caffra

Rauvolfia caffra
Rauvolfia caffra
Rauvolfia caffra

Common names: quinine tree (English). 
Botanical name: Rauvolfia caffra

The quinine tree, Rauvolfia caffra, is a fast-growing evergreen tree with a roundish crown and a straight, tall stem. It has shiny green leaves in whorls, small white flowers in terminal sprays, and fleshy black fruits in large clusters. The flowers attract butterflies and insects, which are pollinated by insect-eating birds. The fruits are eaten by vervet monkeys. The bark, latex, and alkaloids of the tree have various medicinal uses, such as treating wounds, coughs, diarrhoea, high blood pressure, and mental disorders. The wood is used for drums, furniture, and fruit boxes. The quinine tree is easily grown from seed and prefers moist, fertile soil and sheltered locations. It is a decorative shade tree for larger gardens and parks.

Uses & Benefits: medicine, ponds & ecopools, wetlands

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Apocynaceae
Type: tree
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: white
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees, birds, butterflies
Red list status:

Soil type: 
Soil pH: 

Use as Medicine


Herbal traditions: 
Plant parts used: 

First-aid use:  
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
Plant actions: 
Phytochemical constituents: 

Plant preparations: 

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