Blister Bush - Notobubon galbanum
Blister Bush - Notobubon galbanum

Common names: blister bush, wild celery (English); bergseldery, wilde seldery, droëdas (Afrikaans). 
Botanical name: Notobubon galbanum
Previously known as: Peucedanum galbanum

Notobubon galbanum, known as wild celery or blister bush, is a striking evergreen shrub with leathery leaves and large yellow flower clusters. It is native to the moist fynbos of the Western Cape, where it attracts insects and serves as a host plant for the citrus swallowtail butterfly. However, it is also notorious for causing severe skin blistering when touched, due to the phototoxic compounds in its leaves and fruits. This plant has a long history of traditional use as a diuretic and a remedy for rheumatism, gout, and bladder problems. It can be grown in sun or semi-shade, but care should be taken to avoid unnecessary contact with the plant.

Uses & Benefits: medicine

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Apiaceae
Type: shrub
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: yellow
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees, butterflies
Red list status:

Light-level: afternoon sun, full shade, full sun, semi-shade
Soil type: 
Soil pH: 
Propagation: seed

Use as Medicine

Safety: blistering topically

Herbal traditions: Cape Herbal Medicine
Plant parts used: leaves, seeds

First-aid use: arthritis, gout, high blood pressure, obesity 
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
Plant actions: antirheumatic, bitter, diuretic
Phytochemical constituents: coumarins

Plant preparations: decoction, dried, infusion - aqueous, tincture

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