Kedrostis nana

Kedrostis nana
Kedrostis nana

Common names: Cape bryoni (English); bitterpatat (Afrikaans). 
Botanical name: Kedrostis nana

Kedrostis nana, known as Cape bryoni, is a climbing plant characterized by its woody stem, tuberous nature, and heart-shaped, shiny-green leaves. This plant produces small, pale yellow flowers and bright orange fruit. It thrives in well-drained soil with ample sunlight and some water. Kedrostis nana has various traditional medicinal uses, with its tuber being used to treat conditions such as diabetes, cancer, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

Uses & Benefits: medicine, pot plant

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Cucurbitaceae
Type: geophyte
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: green
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees
Red list status:

Soil type: 
Soil pH: 

Use as Medicine


Herbal traditions: 
Plant parts used: 

First-aid use:  
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
Plant actions: 
Phytochemical constituents: 

Plant preparations: 

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