Ilex mitis

Ilex mitis
Ilex mitis

Common names: African holly, Cape holly, wild holly, water tree (English); umDuma (Xhosa); iphuphuma (Zulu); waterboom, waterhout, without (Afrikaans). 
Botanical name: Ilex mitis

The African holly, Ilex mitis, is a versatile evergreen tree that grows throughout South Africa, often along streams and rivers. It has shiny dark green leaves, white fragrant flowers, and bright red berries that attract many birds. The leaves can produce a lather when rubbed together, and were used by woodcutters and Zulus for washing. The wood is also useful for making wagons, shoes, furniture, and fuel. The African holly is fairly fast-growing and can cope with frost, making it suitable for cold areas. It is best planted in a group to ensure fruit production.

Uses & Benefits: aromatic, cosmetics, hedge, ponds & ecopools, wetlands, wildlife

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Aquifoliaceae
Type: tree
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: cream, white
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees, birds, butterflies
Red list status:

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Use as Medicine


Herbal traditions: 
Plant parts used: 

First-aid use:  
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
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