Felicia filifolia

Felicia filifolia
Felicia filifolia

Common names: fine felicia (English). 
Botanical name: Felicia filifolia

The fine-leaved felicia, Felicia filifolia, is a hardy shrub with masses of eye-catching purple, mauve or white daisy flowers with yellow centers blooming spring through summer. Growing up to 1m tall in full sun, its fine needle-like foliage gives it a delicate texture. Drought and cold tolerant, it thrives in well-drained soil with moderate water. Use in rock gardens, borders, containers, or as a hedge. Prune after flowering. Attracts bees and other insects as pollinators. Propagate from seeds or cuttings.

Uses & Benefits: pot plant

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Asteraceae
Type: shrub
Vegetation type: Peninsula Shale Renosterveld 
Flower colour: mauve, white
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees, butterflies
Red list status:

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Use as Medicine


Herbal traditions: 
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Veterinary use:  

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