Krantz Aloe Aloe arborescens
Krantz Aloe Aloe arborescens

Common names: krantz aloe, candelabra aloe (English); ikalene, ikhala, ingcelwane, unomaweni (Xhosa); inkalane, inkalane, umhlabana, inhlazi (Zulu); kransaalwyn (Afrikaans). 
Botanical name: Aloe arborescens

The krantz aloe, Aloe arborescens, is an attractive, low-maintenance garden plant. Its grey-green leaves form rosettes and its orange, yellow, or bi-colored flower spikes bloom profusely in winter. Native to southeastern Africa, this aloe grows well in full sun and tolerates drought once established. Extracts from the succulent leaves have medicinal properties that aid wound healing and soothe burns. The krantz aloe is easy to propagate from cuttings and grows quickly as a hedge or accent plant. Its nectar-rich flowers also attract birds and bees.

Uses & Benefits: cosmetics, hedge, magical, medicine, pot plant, small garden, water-wise, wind tolerant

Nature & Cultivation

Family: Asphodelaceae
Type: shrub, succulent
Vegetation type:  
Flower colour: orange
Flowering season: 
Plant-animal interactions: bees, birds, butterflies
Red list status:

Light-level: full sun
Soil type: 
Soil pH: 
Propagation: cuttings, seed

Use as Medicine

Safety: no safety concerns

Herbal traditions: Cape Herbal Medicine
Plant parts used: leaves

First-aid use: burns, indigestion, inflammation, insect bites, wounds 
Medical use:  
Veterinary use:  

Plant qualities: 
Plant actions: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, bitter, digestive, emollient, hypoglycaemic / anti-diabetic, purgative, vulnerary
Phytochemical constituents: 

Plant preparations: decoction, fresh, gel, poultice, powder

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